Saturday, June 27, 2009
Chat, read it. Words speak for themselves
Chat Script:
Treeguy07 talking of Jason Newsted. This happened.
More to come. You people have no idea!! Its very sad. Thank you!
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:15:52 a.m.): why did you call jason a coward?
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:16:01 a.m.): jason
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:16:20 a.m.): while having money and power and many women available to him
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:16:24 a.m.): chose sol ines or ines nigro im lost but
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:16:43 a.m.): and then when he got home and thought about the reality
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:16:48 a.m.): he became afraid
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:16:54 a.m.): afraid of what?
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:00 a.m.): and so he choose nicole
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:07 a.m.): no honest love
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:10 a.m.): just sex
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:13 a.m.): and control
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:19 a.m.): not the real thing
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:17:21 a.m.): what do you mean he back home? where jason was when het met sol online?
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:17:25 a.m.): control?
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:17:31 a.m.): control nicole you mean?
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:34 a.m.): when ines make me to look at myself
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:17:39 a.m.): I was afraid too
school_times17: (09/07/2009 12:18:44 a.m.): who you Jason?
treeguy07: (09/07/2009 12:20:47 a.m.): Yes me
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:20:50 a.m.): but i won't speak of nicole i dont want to hurt her more
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:20:55 a.m.): he/you hurt nicole and sol and ines..
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:20:55 a.m.): use power to control women he is trouble
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:20:56 a.m.): too
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:20:58 a.m.): one thing sol/ines taught me about our different cultures
school_times17: jury will see jason do this to nicole and sol ines..
treeguy07: was that relationships are different in our countries
treeguy07: i was humbled many times by sol's humility
treeguy07: getting back in touch with the true humanity of yourself is very powerfull
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:20:49 a.m.): ?
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:20:53 a.m.): nicole is jason Martyyr?
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:20:55 a.m.): yes martyr
treeguy07: jason and nicole split us as a "couple" only one and half month ago..
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:24:14 a.m.): why do you say jason love Ines Nigro then?
treeguy07: what i meant was
treeguy07: in the last ten years
treeguy: jason's life was filled with sol'ines's presence.
school_times17: what??? jesus!
treeguy07: nicole hated her because of it
school_times17: poor Ines. She does not even love Jason.
treeguy07: Jason is still in love with her. Their love was real not fake american way.
school_times17: I see....poor Nicole then!
school_times17: why does not she leave JASON then
school_times17: if jason loves Ines
treeguy07: jason had the shame of watching a woman decline
treeguy07: wanting to remedy his mistake
treeguy07: wanting Sol
treeguy07: jason is a coward
he could love her
treeguy07: but he was not man enough to be with her
school_times17: then jason girlfriend is living a LIE?! poor her. so what feel Jason for the Real Ines Nigro?
treeguy07: no Ines is not jason's platonic love
treeguy07: Ines is Jason's impossible love. he will always love Ines. he wanted and wants ines be his wife and mother of his kids. but he tought Ines would reject him. and she did. and he is ego. he wont tolerated ines rejecting him.
school_times17: Ines Nigro liked Dylan Donkin. They were friends. Ines Nigro would married Dylan hes very handsome. She does not like Jason.
treeguy07: I know. Dylan got the looks. Jason the money but Ines has the money, fame and beauty.
school_times17: Dylan Donkin had a strong connection with Ines Nigro, same artistic families, both were young, artistic, hes very handsome, shes very pretty. I read Dylan Donkin and Ines Nigro emails. They are friends. She respects Dylan alot. He does respects her alot. I see Jason was jealous of Dylan and he saw Ines would be with someone like Dylan and not Jason IF of course Ines would had been single. She is married so...
treeguy07: Jason always use as excuse his music for not being married or having kids, well hes not married because he can´t be with Ines. He has no kids because he cant be with her either. But hes very private not even his family knows this. We know from his best friend. The calls, the recording and chats. and most important Jason calling Ines for a few months telling his love for her, ines being stress for this, Fbi saw the recording voice, it was same voice, jason´s voice not 90%, but 100%!! and well jason friend phoned Ines alot he betray Jason, they betray jason. jason´s friend told Ines many things....
school_times17: i know they betray jason!! that's why INES knows alot and understands now. but she never like or love jason. poor jason too! ha! Jason used Sol and Jason used Nicole...jesus jason jesus. he ruins him self. he ruined Sol...
treeguy07: Jason gives money to Nicole and she helps him. fake relation ship if we are thinking about real love, true love i mean a love to get married have kids cause Jason always wanted this but with Ines, she the One, alot of Great almost but no the right one to marry or have kids, the right one is Ines but shes taken....he will tell Nicole lies always too. He is weak but I'm sorry for him...he was abused by metallica but he had no right to abused Sol´s heart and hurt her feeling the way he did...she was a minor and a virgin..
school_times17: well he was in love with Sol and was real but he hurt her and she got sick i mean her body got sick so Sol is the poor one here even Nicole is living a lie...poor SOL i cant believe but Jason did not have the power Ines had/ has, political contacts, her world wide family/friends all politicians, billionaires, her jury friends, lawyer friends who love Ines and will do it for free , any sue Ines wants to do!! they love ines and know her since shes a child. they will do anything for ines because they want not because ines will ask it for. the museums owners, galleries, collectors all around the world will stand by ines too they know her since shes a babe they love her like she is a niece or a cousin. she does not even need to ask...her banker friends...i can go about this all night...
school_times17: Jesus i see now....
school_times17: hahaha
school_times17: this is like a movie, sorry i should not laugh...poor Sol....
school_times17: about rejecting yes Ines would decline on jason
treeguy07: thats what sol said all the time
school_times17: how did he know'???
school_times17: Ines would say to jason No sorry jason byebye jason byebye?
treeguy07: jason can not control ines its about his ego ines has more power and she can control jason with her money fame beauty power, politicial banker connections and Ines could leave jason any time for a hot man with alot money ( ines friends she knows since shes a child ). so jason needs someone to control. pretty lame. Jason told this so...he even said it so...his words....
treeguy07: I cannot believe she is dead, sol....
treeguy07: i can't believe you let luna die
treeguy07: i almost drove all night long to save her
treeguy07: i wish i would have now
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:04:53 a.m.): do you know of a fan who is at large and one of the ring leaders
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:33 a.m.): you know i think lars is no friend
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:04:58 a.m.): yes
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:04:59 a.m.): ok
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:05:02 a.m.): in golden brigde...and large fan? leader? yes Toby....i know...
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:03 a.m.): she told me this
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:06 a.m.): yes
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:05:09 a.m.): metallica sick hater fan wants jason and ines die togheter in san francisco, fbi say yes sure nutcase!
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:05:09 a.m.): but the metallica fan wants to be there
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:10 a.m.): ok
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:05:13 a.m.): ines and jason jumping to the river
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:14 a.m.): jesus
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:19 a.m.): i am not insane i knew this
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:47 a.m.): be carefull
school_times17 (09/07/2009 12:05:47 a.m.): ok i will
treeguy07 (09/07/2009 12:05:51 a.m.): with lars, carefull
If you find them be careful and send us an email with details. They chat under these ids in many chat rooms-forums-metallica forums-jason newsted forums. Ines Nigro stalkers from USA who are living in Buenos Aires use argentinian IP address/ internet service provider from Argentina & their computer name is: INES NIGRO or INEZ. It does not mean its the REAL Ines Nigro. Thank You!
We can not post personal email address for now from the bassist. We can not post all the emails either. We will post everything about the bass player and Ines Nigro Love relation ship. They had a long distance one. Very pure and deep. But this man kept Ines Nigro as a secret and hide her from his world & women or woman. His name is not Jason. In this thing Jason has nothing to do with it. We will post later when we are allowed about Jason Newsted loving Ines Nigro.
This is what we are allow to post for now. Nothing really...You will see everything soon. Let evil people speak on here. Do not get mad. They are sick people and still come here & post. Let them speak. This way we will find them. Do not bother to fight with them. We get 50 emails every day. Then we post what we can. Do not worry. Justice is taking care of this people. Justice is reading this blog. Mean people is sick so they do not care and they dare to come here and post. Better for us. We are after them. We found many evil men thanks to this blog. We will find more of them. Thank You!
Someone saying he is " JASON NEWSTED": yahoo chat/yahoo team/ message to Ines Nigro.
dailybeard (10:43:16 a.m.): Ines..I have a confession.
dailybeard (10:43:26 a.m.): I am Jason Newsted.
dailybeard (10:44:34 am ): Im in love with Nicole
dailybeard (10:17:42 a.m.): I have written poetry in the past. I played the electric bass for 25 years..but I have stopped. I make ink drawings and marker art. I attended cooking school and I was a professional cook for many years. Now I just relax a lot.. My life is tranquil like a still lake.
dailybeard (10:30:23 a.m.): I enjoy a nice bottle of wine.
dailybeard (10:31:41 a.m.): I enjoy a nice shiraz from australia..generally..something fruity and direct...simple
dailybeard (10:44:55 a.m.): If you would take your medication you would realize that I am the original Newsted..the greatest Metal-player ever.
inessol_80 (10:44:57 a.m.): drink
dailybeard (10:47:14 a.m.): If you would take your medication, you would realize that Dave is my brother.
dailybeard (10:47:17 a.m.): names can be changed.
dailybeard (10:47:47 a.m.): People in my family have changed their names in order to help me acquire your love.
dailybeard (10:47:52 a.m.): You must adore me.
dailybeard (10:49:19 a.m.): I pity you, Ines. the answer is right before you...expressing your love to me..yet still you are too afraid to do it.
inessol_80 (10:49:27 a.m.): in argentina is legal to marry your uncle
dailybeard (10:50:19 a.m.): Unless you can express your love for me..I have to go.
dailybeard (09:52:53 a.m.): I believe I used to be your fan...tis true. i am not certain if I am anymore.
inessol_80 (09:53:30 a.m.): Have you seen me dancing?
dailybeard: (10:54:56 p.m.): I used to live in Jupiter, Florida. I still have my ranch in Montana. At the moment im in San Francisco....
dailybeard (01:01:24 p.m.): I can have any woman I want.
dailybeard (01:00:47 p.m.): Pretend you are Ines..and le's fuck.
dailybeard (01:02:07 p.m.): Ines has pimples.
dailybeard (01:02:10 p.m.): that is unattractive.
dailybeard (01:00:20 p.m.): No..I am Jason newsted.
dailybeard (12:57:13 p.m.): I want you to PM nicole and tell her this.
dailybeard (12:57:19 p.m.): her ID is herald.hardrada
dailybeard (12:56:11 p.m.): I only care for you sexually.
dailybeard (12:56:17 p.m.): I am sorry I am wealthy.
dailybeard (12:54:50 p.m.): I bet you are getting wet right now..thinking about that hot dogcock plunging into your pussy.
dailybeard (12:53:29 p.m.): yes..I will marry Ines..but I will fuck you whenver I like.
dailybeard (12:42:54 p.m.): Maybe I can marry Ines..but you and I can just fool around a little bit.
walnut_flower_yale18 (12:43:01 p.m.): NO
dailybeard (12:45:53 p.m.): I want you to be my sexual partner.
Mean-dangerous message about Ines Nigro. Justice is taking care of this.
dailybeard (04:11:56 a.m.): Yes..I'm waiting for her to pass so we can all breathe easy.
dailybeard (04:12:08 a.m.): We are going to sell her eyes and liver to a chinese man.. I wish Ines die, Nicole wishes Ines to die also. We are waiting Ines to pass away to we can have Peace.....
dailybeard (04:13:07 a.m.): We are going to take her kidney and feed it to the puppy
dailybeard (04:11:56 a.m.): Yes..I'm waiting for her, Ines, to pass so we can all breathe easy. And yes Im Jason Newsted....
dailybeard (04:26:52 a.m.): These organs are going to make me wealthy!!!!
dailybeard (04:27:07 a.m.): I am going to be able to get new horse in Montana, Sula
walnut_yale20 (04:24:12 a.m.): and you cheated on her? poor nicole?
dailybeard (04:15:35 a.m.): I am kissing her right now.
dailybeard (04:15:42 a.m.): She does not know my love is a lie
dailybeard (04:16:41 a.m.): It has to do with entertainment value vs. irritation.
dailybeard (04:24:13: a.m) : Nicole likes i treat her like the whore she is ;)
dailybeard (01:04:55 p.m.): No..I have a professional dermatolotist..that takes care of my pimples.
dailybeard (01:07:38 p.m.): Nicole is worth 10 ines
dailybeard (01:12:45 p.m.): I own a ranch.
dailybeard (01:18:13 p.m.): james is a fool.
dailybeard (12:59:43 p.m.): herald.hardrada will give you the answers you seek about me. and treeguy07....
walnut_flower_yale18 (12:39:16 p.m.): always
dailybeard (12:39:17 p.m.): I think I love you.
walnut_flower_yale18 (12:39:20 p.m.): hahahaah
dailybeard (10:02:04 a.m.): A nice city. I lived in Montreal also for a short time.
dailybeard (10:01:35 a.m.): I lived in Miami for a time.
dailybeard (10:11:03 a.m.):
dailybeard (10:15:23 a.m.):
dailybeard (10:15:28 a.m.): yes.
dailybeard (10:18:26 a.m.): why does jason newsted have an obsession with you?
inessol_80 (10:18:28 a.m.): and books
inessol_80 (10:18:32 a.m.): he has not
dailybeard (10:25:04 a.m.): Donald....donna....danna donald...s....
inessol_80 (10:25:09 a.m.): what?
inessol_80 (10:25:15 a.m.): donald?
dailybeard (10:25:23 a.m.): It's a silly name.
inessol_80 (10:26:06 a.m.): do you have a girlfriend?
dailybeard (10:26:20 a.m.): Thousands of girlfriends, yes.
inessol_80 (10:26:27 a.m.): hahha
inessol_80 (10:26:29 a.m.): you mean
inessol_80 (10:26:31 a.m.): friends
inessol_80 (10:26:32 a.m.): or
inessol_80 (10:26:38 a.m.): sexual girlfriends?
dailybeard (10:26:43 a.m.): A pity I can't be in more than one place at a time.
dailybeard (10:26:58 a.m.): yes sure. Super-sexual.
inessol_80 (10:27:03 a.m.): jesus
inessol_80 (10:27:10 a.m.): typical from a rock musician
dailybeard (10:27:11 a.m.): Ines, I live a quiet life, Dear.
dailybeard (10:27:20 a.m.): My days of excitement are long behind me.
inessol_80 (10:27:31 a.m.): you were joking?
dailybeard (10:27:33 a.m.): I have done enough for my taste.
dailybeard (10:27:35 a.m.): yes I was joking.
dailybeard (10:28:00 a.m.): Are you good friends wtih treeguy?
inessol_80 (10:28:11 a.m.): he is in love with me
dailybeard (10:28:24 a.m.): yes...I am staying a virgin so that I many enter the Kingdom of heaven pure.
dailybeard (10:28:29 a.m.): may*
dailybeard (10:29:20 a.m.): I don't envy professional musicians or rock stars.
inessol_80 (10:29:26 a.m.): i dont envy either
inessol_80 (10:46:48 a.m.): i had many metal musicians after me
dailybeard (10:46:48 a.m.): Dave is my brother.
inessol_80 (10:46:52 a.m.): i rejected them all
inessol_80 (10:46:57 a.m.): dave is not your brother
dailybeard (10:46:58 a.m.): I sent Dave to he could prepare you for me.
dailybeard (01:06:01 p.m.): If you have sex with me..I will marry Ines.
walnut_flower_yale18 (01:06:06 p.m.): you will cheat on her
dailybeard (01:06:12 p.m.): no..we will have sex first.
walnut_flower_yale18 (01:06:12 p.m.): like you cheat on nicole
dailybeard (01:06:16 p.m.): then never again.
dailybeard (01:06:25 p.m.): yes..nicole likes it when I treat her like the dirty whore she is.
walnut_flower_yale18 (01:06:31 p.m.): but you want to get marry
dailybeard (01:06:36 p.m.): yes..sure.
New message about Ines Nigro, 29 june 8 am, from Wheelie to Luna Butler Newsted:
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:38:01 a.m.): Luna are you there?
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:38:29 a.m.): i have had a chance to think about many things
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:39:12 a.m.): first i wanted to say that i should not not have called you a knucklehead
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:40:10 a.m.): the things that you told me yesterday put much of what happened since i met Ines into perspective
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:41:10 a.m.): you daid i saved you, but in fact, you saved me in a way by making ines to meet metreeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:42:30 a.m.): i am not very smart sometimes
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:42:48 a.m.): and because Ines hid many things from me
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:42:54 a.m.): I could not see
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:43:09 a.m.): but when we started talking
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:43:17 a.m.): i mean really talking
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:43:27 a.m.): she pulled me out out of myself
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:43:46 a.m.): out of a place where i was very sad and alonetreeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:44:03 a.m.): even she make my life drama
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:44:18 a.m.): even she drive me crazy with her way
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:44:34 a.m.): she still reach me, like no other woman ever did
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:45:16 a.m.): i can't help the fact she is sick
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:45:32 a.m.): i can't save her like i wanted to
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:45:42 a.m.): because she make her mind up
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:46:37 a.m.): i could have listened to her
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:46:45 a.m.): if she only would have asked
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:47:35 a.m.): but my ego even i think i have it under control will make me to be away from her
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:48:01 a.m.): she said many times if we were to be together we would fight all the timetreeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:48:14 a.m.): i wouldn't mind that at all really
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:48:56 a.m.): but i could not change her mind about dying
treeguy07 (29/06/2009 08:52:04 a.m.): thank you Luna for making me to meet, and to find someone so special as Ines
Love Emails from bass player "J-Musicman", muscian Raymond aka Ray-Jay-musicbar01- musician George and Eric to Artist Ines Nigro :
Bass Player:musicman1----2002 june 23.
Dear Ines
You are my light Ine. You are the love of my life. I wish you marry me....You are the only woman I want. You are the One. You are my children´s mother Ine.
Love you as always, musicman
ps: i will never forget you
Ines Nigro:inessol@---------2002 june 30
Hola bass player :)). Im in Europe, in Barcelona now...I love it! I been touring alot....------------------
I told you my musicman that i dont cook anymore, i used to cook. You want to marry me but make to cook for you, wrong girl musicman, im an artist and intellectual ;)-------------------------------
Email from Raymond Barley; aka Jay-Ray-musicbar01-muiscbassist wrote january 8 2003 5 am to
Hola Ine,
Yes, I received the email. :) Thank you so much;
you're so sweet. I don't
think you're crazy-I think you're wonderful. Will
you ever visit the USA
again? Will we ever meet? I can only hope that we
will. I think of you
constantly and dream of the moment we might first
meet. Take care of yourself and be safe as you travel.
Te amo,
--- escribió: > december 24 2002 to
Dear Ine,
It was nice to receive another email from
I'm sorry to hear you & your
father are arguing again; I hope things will
better when you arrive in
Uraguay next month. Yes, I know Denmark is
this time of year; still I
hope you're going to enjoy Christmas there
people you love.
I realize your young life has been
Ine. From our chats and
emails, I've learned much about you. Much
has visited you, yet you
persevere and this I find admirable. You
sensitive, yet strong. I wish I
knew more people like you--the world is
you in it:).Things are well here, though I will be
the next few days doing
little else but typing essays for school. A
task, yet it must be done.
I wish you nothing but peace & happiness
holiday season. Merry
Christmas, Ine, and please let me know if I
you in anyway.
You are my Light,
--- wrote to inessol 2003 january 3
Dear Ine,
Hi, happy new year:) I hope you're well and
happy to return in Argentina.
I'm sure your family misses you a great deal.
No, I
didn't receive your email
from the 31st. It's winter now and very cold here
(but summer in Argentina:))
It's always a joy to hear from you my Light. Be
well and safe travels.
------------------------------------------------------------------- wrote to inesnigro january 2003
Dear Ine, I'm
glad your present ( Tom Waits book ) arrived safely in
Argentina. You're welcome.
I hope you enjoy the music. :) I wish you could
remember me. No, I'm not mad
at you; I don't hate you. I never have & never
will. We've never met Ine,
only on chat. It might be nice to meet if ever you
came to America, but I
assure you, my face is not sweet.
I wish you everything good dear Ine. Te amo,
----------------------------------------------------- wrote to inesnigro jan 2003
Si, I received your Yahoo Greeting-thank you!
It's a beautiful scene. Did
you pick this card because you remember how I love
the forest? Do you remember
this? We've chatted a little about forests-my
favorite places on earth.
Thank you, my Light,
be well and be safe,
Email to Ines Nigro from a man named Jason: wrote to, 2002. His REAL name is Eric. Eric is a metallica fan and jason´s hater.
Hola:):):) I am so sad for you :( You tell
not to worry when you
live on the street?:( like a painter? a hippie? I worry si :( You have
you have shelter? Money?
If there is anything I can do let me know. If
need money for a plane
ticket or anything I am here for you. If you
to the US too( which you
would hate now even more now that it is all
corporate republican owned
fascist country even more) Then I can send you
too for food or
transportation. I am working so i am fine with
money now and that is not a
problem as long as I work so if you need any
you TELL ME!!
I will not let one of the most precious
in my life live while
she is sick on the street:(:(
You remember this si????
Well this is my situation. My job with
pretty cool, and I
am trying to get this music job in late
November and December. After
that I will see my good crazy wild friend from
years from music in
Texas and Arizona or I will drive to New York to spend
with my brother Greg
and his Brazilian wife and daughter. I
will try to keep working
after christmas too but I know that I have work
late January or early
February with my CH company here in San Francisco. I
doing well to keep working
and my mind busy. I only get 2 channels on
television to watch so I dont
have to watch the news about Bush and how bad
country is now. I think a
revolution may come in USA if things continue in
this malo direction. I wish
USA had a CH'e. I would follow him. My God I
should be careful to say
this:P I am doing well. I get to be alone
every 10 days of work for
four days in the cabin where I stay when
else goes home to their
family and lovers:P MY lover is time alone and
read and hike in the
forest and do yoga and do my music:P
Thank you so much for the card. You carry
heart and spirit to
places I never dreamed. You inspire me to be me
even be a better person
and If there is anything I can do for you you
let me know.
Love always,
Lovely Email from Jason & Metallica fans. Thank you!
To fans who hate jason-to Dave- to Dave whos talking shit about steven from papa wheelie:
I'm not trying to cause an argument but I found this comment highly offensive. The suicidal toughts comment is very rude. Even Inez Nigro has suicidal toughts.
Im a regular at metallichicks.
I hope Dave you stop making trouble.
Why dont you go to Jason´s home? I think you are the coward one. I can understand metallica fans hating lars. Dave hating jason. But hurting someone like Inez can go too far. She has nothing to do with metallica or the problems Dave had/has with them.
I know Jason has hater fans but attacking Inez wont solve your problem, jerk.
The fact you make Inez sicker its very dangerous.
You want to blame metallica or jason but it wont work. Im deeply sorry about Inez. She is a ballerina and a painter. She does not know about metallica and their past problems.
She does not care at all.
Stop sending people to talk trash about Jason on this blog.
Metallica can sue you. Not only Inez Nigro.
You are using Inez Nigro as a tool to hurt metallica and jason. You called her asking if she could sue jason for being a lame bass player.
Many fans are worry about Inez. We called Argentina, you post her cell phone.... She is very ill. You re sick dude. Her family told me you called Inez 50 times per day asking to sue jason for being a lame bass player. Inez did not even know which instrument jason plays.
You are wise in some way, chosing someone like her. She has nothing to do with metal music or metallica. She does not know about them. She did not know metallica was a band.
She is sick, weak and is very genuine. It makes you even more evil.
I wish Inez keeps alive and you die.
you fool
Leave Inez Nigro alone
jason and metallica FANS
July 5, 2009 1:09 AM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Email from a concerned Jason´s fan to artist Ines Nigro.
The email was sent to an art gallery´s email address.
may 21 2009
"Hi Ines:
My name is Ana, and im from Uruguay, South America.
I usually go over the site The Chophouse, because im a Jason´s fan.
I saw a topic posted at Chophouse Lounge and lots of people were
talking about
you and that you are that true? Are you ok?
I didnt understand very much what they were talking about, but please
reply my
message and tell me if you are ok.
Cheers from far away,
may 21 2009
"Hi Ines:
My name is Ana, and im from Uruguay, South America.
I usually go over the site The Chophouse, because im a Jason´s fan.
I saw a topic posted at Chophouse Lounge and lots of people were
talking about
you and that you are that true? Are you ok?
I didnt understand very much what they were talking about, but please
reply my
message and tell me if you are ok.
Cheers from far away,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Insane message from a Metallica fan
Our current legal situation allows us to post this. We don't know who this person really is- The Poster of this Message claims to be a friend of miss Nicole Smith and also claims it was posted by her request.
In the message below, the person STOLE a photo of Ines with her mother from this blog, which is not fake. The photo was taken by a famous Argentinian Photographer....This person knew about this and fortunately this fan of Jason Newsted deleted it from his/her blog. We know some people are telling their blog´s friends to send messages to hurt Ines Nigro.
Our Lovely Ines Nigro is suffering from health problems because of this stressing situation. One of this insane people posted Ines personal cell phone number on a public forum and made inapropiate comments about her private life and her health condition. It is not neccesary to say that this is illegal.
After receiving threatening phone calls and somebody showing at her home, Ines is now under police protection.
For some reason, Ines is suffering psychologycal abuse from Metallica fans that think they can attack somebody without suffering from legal consequences.
Ines has nothing to do with Metallica and doesn't want to.
We hope nothing bad happens to Ines and we're confident justice is on her side.
This is the message transcription:
TUESDAY , M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 0 9
Hey guys in this note I shall not post any images because it's a post
where I want to draw attention to all my friends and followers. There
is a person who stalk's me and some of my friends, yesterday he was
on my blog 62 times!!!!!!!! For Christ sake 62 times, he checked out
every single comment, picture, post, etc. I find this issue somehow
weird, but you may think that I'm exaggerating well actually I'm
not...he contacted me on myspace too about an year ago saying
stupid things about persons who he doesn't know and sending me a
lot of messages oh yeah and yesterday I noticed he was on my
facebook account too...So please if you see him following your blog
take action because he's a freak!!! He has 2 profiles one named "Ines
Nigro Fan Tribute Page" and the other one "In the name of Ines
Nigro". I'll post a picture with a link so you can check it out - for
more details click on picture below.

Thanks for reading guys
In the message below, the person STOLE a photo of Ines with her mother from this blog, which is not fake. The photo was taken by a famous Argentinian Photographer....This person knew about this and fortunately this fan of Jason Newsted deleted it from his/her blog. We know some people are telling their blog´s friends to send messages to hurt Ines Nigro.
Our Lovely Ines Nigro is suffering from health problems because of this stressing situation. One of this insane people posted Ines personal cell phone number on a public forum and made inapropiate comments about her private life and her health condition. It is not neccesary to say that this is illegal.
After receiving threatening phone calls and somebody showing at her home, Ines is now under police protection.
For some reason, Ines is suffering psychologycal abuse from Metallica fans that think they can attack somebody without suffering from legal consequences.
Ines has nothing to do with Metallica and doesn't want to.
We hope nothing bad happens to Ines and we're confident justice is on her side.
This is the message transcription:
TUESDAY , M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 0 9
Hey guys in this note I shall not post any images because it's a post
where I want to draw attention to all my friends and followers. There
is a person who stalk's me and some of my friends, yesterday he was
on my blog 62 times!!!!!!!! For Christ sake 62 times, he checked out
every single comment, picture, post, etc. I find this issue somehow
weird, but you may think that I'm exaggerating well actually I'm
not...he contacted me on myspace too about an year ago saying
stupid things about persons who he doesn't know and sending me a
lot of messages oh yeah and yesterday I noticed he was on my
facebook account too...So please if you see him following your blog
take action because he's a freak!!! He has 2 profiles one named "Ines
Nigro Fan Tribute Page" and the other one "In the name of Ines
Nigro". I'll post a picture with a link so you can check it out - for
more details click on picture below.

Thanks for reading guys
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