Friday, January 20, 2012
Una Obsesion llamada INES NIGRO - You are Obsessed with Ines
Ines Nigro es TU GRAN OBSESION...
Lo tuyo ya es PATOLOGICO...
Cuidate, Ines es una mujer casada...
Para vos, esta cancion que le dedicas a Ines, cada vez que la llamas...
Isla Mujeres - Javier Ruibal
Subía el calor cuando pasaba por mi acera,
todo el bulevar pudo quemarse en su candela.
Hay una legión de sátiros y piratas
que, de bar en bar, le gritan: ¡Guapa!
Me hago seguidor de sus andares de pantera,
peregrino voy donde lo ordenen sus caderas;
qué me importa a mí si es un infierno la calle,
si por fin la llevo por el talle.
Oye, mi bien,
tú la reina de Isla Mujeres;
y yo, si tú me quieres,
seré tu esclavo más fiel.
Pobre de mí,
si de tu fuego me extravío,
mi corazón, de frío,
se olvidará de latir.
Sobre su perfil un sol de cobre se derrama,
la rosa de abril, desnuda en medio de la cama,
se ha brindado a mí con un amor que desarma,
nubla la razón y abrasa el alma.
Y era de esperar que yo esperara retenerla,
pero todo el mar es poco mar para esa perla.
Arde el bulevar y, al borde de la locura,
no soy yo quien va de su cintura.
Friday, January 13, 2012
To Ines Fans: Luna Verde Gallery logo - Anthropology book
Book: Quintas Jornadas de Investigación en Antropología
Artist: Ines Nigro
Click here:
Ines Nigro paintings

Luna Verde's Card - Luna Verde Gallery

Ines Nigro painting

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
A un año de su partida, el recuerdo a la inolvidable Maria Elena Walsh
La Pajara Pinta dedicada especialmente a Ines Nigro...
Maria Elena Walsh - La Pajara Pinta
Yo soy la Pájara Pinta,
viuda del Pájaro Pintón.
Mi marido era muy alegre
y un cazador me lo mató
con una escopetita verde
el día de San Borombón.
Una bala le mató el canto
-y era tan linda su canción-,
la segunda le mató el vuelo,
y la tercera el corazón.
Ay ay la escopetita verde,
ay ay mi marido Pintón.
Si al oírme se ponen tristes
a todos les pido perdón.
Ya no puedo cantar alegre
ni sentadita en el limón
como antes cuando con el pico
cortaba la rama y la flor.
Yo soy la Pájara Pinta,
si alguien pregunta dónde estoy
le dirán que me vieron sola
y sentadita en un rincón
llorando de melancolía
por culpa de aquel cazador.
Al que mata a los pajarillos
le brotará en el corazón
una bala de hielo negro
y un remolino de dolor.
Ay ay la escopetita verde,
ay ay mi marido Pintón.
Maria Elena Walsh - Adivina adivinador
La señora nube blanca
se encontró con un señor,
le dijo sos un cochino
vas todo sucio de carbón.
Don Humo muy ofendido
¿saben qué le contestó?
Adivinador adivina,
adivina adivinador.
La señora Doña Luna
se encontró con un señor,
le dijo andate viejito
porque ya es tarde para vos.
Don Sol muy avergonzado
¿saben qué le contestó?
Adivinador adivina…
La señora Doña Estrella
se encontró con un señor,
le dijo por pura envidia
me querés arruinar el show.
Don nubarrón divertido
¿saben qué le contestó?
Adivinador adivina…
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Ines Nigro Photography - Ines playing with her father's art, Adolfo Nigro - NY Gallery , New York City
Ines Nigro playing with her father's art, Adolfo Nigro. Ines jugando con el Arte de su padre Adolfo Nigro
NY Gallery, New York City (Galeria NY, New York)
Ines Nigro Photography, Copyright (Fotografias de la Artista Ines Nigro, derecho de autor)
Artista: Adolfo Nigro
Objetos de madera, pintura
Esculturas de plata y bronce
Esculturas de Hierro
Fotografa: Ines Nigro

Friday, January 6, 2012
Programa destacado de 678: para Piñera no hubo dictadura en Chile
La cobertura de los diarios, para Piñera no hubo dictadura en Chile
Programa 678 - 05-01-12 (1 de 4)
678 - 05-01-12 (2 de 4)
678 - 05-01-12 (3 de 4)
678 - 05-01-12 (4 de 4)
"Pobre de aquel que nos recuerde que la historia se termina..."
Ismael Serrano
Sting - They dance alone
Sting & Peter Gabriel - They dance alone - Argentina 1988
Why are these women here dancing on their own?
Why is there this sadness in their eyes?
Why are the soldiers here
Their faces fixed like stone?
I can't see what it is they despise
They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone
They dance alone
It's the only form of protest they're allowed
I've seen their silent faces scream so loud
If they were to speak these words
they'd go missing too
Another woman on the torture table
what else can they do
They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone
They dance alone
One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy
And we'll dance
One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy
And we'll dance
Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos
Ellas danzan con los muertos
Ellas danzan con amores invisibles
Ellas danzan con silenciosa angistia
Danzan con sus padres
Danzan con sus hijos
Danzan con sus esposos
Ellas danzan solas
Danzan solas
Hey Mr. Pinochet
You've sown a bitter crop
It's foreign money that supports you
One day the money's going to stop
No wages for your torturers
No budget for your guns
Can you think of your own mother
Dancin' with her invisible son
They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone
They dance alone
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Bruce N: King Without A Crown
The End..
Matisyahu - King Without A Crown
You're all that I have and you're all that I need
Each and every night I pray to get to know you please
I wanna to be close to you, yes I'm so hungry
You're like food for my body when it gets hungry
Without you there's no me
You're the air that I x hale
Sometimes the world is light and I just can't look
With these, demons surround all around to bring me down to negativity
But I believe, yes I believe, I said I believe
I'll stand on my own two hands
Won't be brought down on one elbow
Fight with all of my might and get these angles to go to jail
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I dont believe
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I dont believe
Out of darkness comes light, twilight unto the heights
Crown Heights burnin' up all through the twilight
Said, thank you to my God, now I finally got it right
And I'll fight with all of my heart, and all a' my soul, and all a' my might
What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
I give myself to you now from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God songs of love and healing
I want Mashiach now, time we start revealing
Me no want no sinsemilla
That would only bring me down
Burn away by brain no way my brain is too compound
Elevate on my soul you're a fire in my sound
Like the sun over some rain earning up to a clowd
Torah food for my brain let it rain till I drown
Let the blessing's come down
Strip away the layers and reveal your soul
Give yourself up and then you become whole
You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know
You want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high then you're bound to stay low
You want God but you can't deflate your ego
If you're already there then there's nowhere to go
If you're cup's already full then its bound to overflow
If you're drowning in the waters and you can't stay afloat
Ask Hashem for mercy and he'll throw you a rope
You're looking for help from God you say he couldn't be found
Looking up to the sky and looking beneath the ground
Like a King without his Crown
Yes I wanna get down
King without his Crown
Yes I keep fallin' down
You really want to live but can't get rid of your frown
Tried to reach unto the heights and wound bound down on the ground
What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole through the ceiling
I give myself to you from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God this song of love and healing
I want Mashiach now and it's time to starts revealing
Reelin' him in, reel in him
Where ya been
Where ya been for so long
It's hard to stay strong
I've been living in galus for a life too long
I said where you've been
Where ya been for so long
Monday, January 2, 2012
Luna is not in peace yet...
Jane Siberry - It can't rain all the time - The Crow
We walked the narrow path,
beneath the smoking skies.
Sometimes you can barely tell the difference
between darkness and light.
Do you have faith
in what we believe?
The truest test is when we cannot,
when we cannot see.
I hear pounding feet in the,
in the streets below, and the,
and the women crying and the,
and the children know that there,
that there's something wrong,
and it's hard to belive that love will prevail.
Oh it won't rain all the time.
The sky won't fall forever.
And though the night seems long,
your tears won't fall forever.
Oh, when I'm lonely,
I lie awake at night
and I wish you were here.
I miss you.
Can you tell me
is there something more to belive in?
Or is this all there is?
In the pounding feet, in the,
In the streets below, and the,
And the window breaks and,
And a woman falls, there's,
There's something wrong, it's,
It's so hard to belive that love will prevail.
Oh it won't rain all the time.
The sky won't fall forever.
And though the night seems long,
your tears won't fall, your tears won't fall, your tears won't fall
Last night I had a dream.
You came into my room,
you took me into your arms.
Whispering and kissing me,
and telling me to still belive.
But then the emptiness of a burning sea against which we see
our darkest of sadness.
Until I felt safe and warm.
I fell asleep in your arms.
When I awoke I cried again for you were gone.
Oh, can you hear me?
It won't rain all the time.
The sky won't fall forever.
And though the night seems long,
your tears won't fall forever.
It won't rain all the time
The sky won't fall forever.
And though the night seems long,
your tears won't fall, your tears won't fall,
your tears won't fall
Kung Fu, The Art of the Wise Woman
The Power of Women
"Cada vez conozco más viejos que caminan casi de medio lado. Seguramente el paso del cangrejo es también el del sabio que no sólo mira al otro lado, sino que también va disfrutando del camino dejado tras de sí...."
Oogway ascends - Kung Fu Panda
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