His id is DAILY BEARD he has yahoo id: daily beard. He is obsessed with Artist INES NIGRO. She is married as we all know.....Be careful with him. He checks this BLOG http://inthenameofsolinesnigro.blogspot.com Every Day Many Times since 5 Months ago! He checked the Blog: http://inesnigro.blogspot.com twice. Now hes checking this BLOG: http://jasonnewstedfans.blogspot.com. The owner of Jason Newsted Fans is a minor, a sweet teenager, she told us about him too.
DAILY BEARD hacks many ids THINKING they are fake. Well they are ids made by lawyers, workers from security, and FBI. We could get the ids back and we know what DAILY BEARD DID. Yahoo ONLY disable ids when they make an investigation after 1 year or so and THEN MAYBE THE disable an id from yahoo and an email from yahoo. so YAHOO will sue this person. Yahoo will sue people around Jason Newsted who did the same, Its ILLEGAL to hack ids when YAHOO does not allow these people to do it. No one can hack them. Yahoo will take legal actions.
Stop hacking you know who you are: STOP IT. You know why? Because many ids are made to catch pedophiles, adults who corrupt minors, killers, hackers, or for Jury information. You never know why many ids are made. You hack yahoo ids when yahoo did not know it. Yahoo don't hack. They disable ids after a LEGAL Investigation. Stop it now.
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